Le jardin de babaï

About the book: see the text that follows the illustrations…
Because of the nature of the story itself, I can’t show here too much illustrations!







This book contains the same story told in two different ways…it’s a bilingual book telling about the persian culture. At the end of the book, begins the persian story, read in the Oriental way (from right to left)! Inside you have the two translations (spanish-persian or french-persian or italian-persian). In the first direction of lecture, the story is composed of riddles.

I really deeply enjoy to tell this story to the children at school!
They participate to the advancing of the story (riddles after riddles) and when it is finished, they all are so surprised to discover that the back cover is the beginning of the story, told in a surprising way…that leads them at the end to the beginning of the initial story… And the circle never ends!

Publishers in the world :

-Editorial Kokinos (Madrid) “El jardin de Babaï”
-Editions Grandir (France) “Le jardin de Babaï”
-Jaca book (Italy) “Il giardino di Babai”
-Bruaá edição (Portugal) “O jardim de Babaï ”

And it will be soon in Argentina…

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